docs package

Module contents


This package is part of erecord - Record platform web development

copyright:Copyright (C) 2018-2022 INRA
license:GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details.
authors:see AUTHORS.

Documentation of the erecord project.

erecord’s documentation uses the Sphinx documentation system.


  • source : the source documentation (.rst files…).
  • build : the generated documentation in different formats (html…).
  • Makefile : commands to generate the documentation in different formats into build, from source (make html, make pdf…).

Particular case of the auto generated source code documentation

The source code documentation is auto generated from source code (.py files) into : source/ref/autogen.

Into Makefile : command to auto generate source code documentation (make ref).

source/ref/autogen must not be manually modified (manual modifications will be lost by the next auto generation command).

See erecord