

The erecord project software tests have been made with some testing tools from django framework and the django application django-rest-framework (based on python libraries).

The software tests can be automatically run. They should be run after software modifications to verify non regression.

Tests description

The written tests imply GET vpz/input, POST vpz/input, and POST vpz/output resources. Tests are written for 2 cases :

  • case of a simulator based on a VpzPath : cf test_vpz_from_vpzpath.
  • case of a simulator defined by a VleVpz (of a VlePkg of a VleRep) : cf test_vpz_from_vlevpz (.. under construction ..).

Running tests

Tests can be run using the test command of the django project’s manage.py utility :

python manage.py test

This command runs all the TestCase (subclasses) found into all the test*.py files.


To run tests, ACTIVITY_PERSISTENCE should value True (see the configuration file config.py of the erecord_cmn application).