Example of POST vpz/input in PHP language

For the simulator ‘wwdm.vpz’ whose Id is 266, use the PHP code into a php tag :

… PHP code …


Example illustrating :

  • modifying begin,

  • modifying duration,

  • modifying some parameters by ‘cname.pname’,

  • compactlist’ as style of presentation,

  • json’ as format,

  • values of type cname.pname as ‘parselect’ :

    value ‘cond_wwdm.A’ to select the parameter named ‘A’ of the condition named ‘cond_wwdm’.

    value ‘cond_wwdm.B’ to select the parameter named ‘B’ of the condition named ‘cond_wwdm’.

    value ‘cond_wwdm.Eb’ to select the parameter named ‘Eb’ of the condition named ‘cond_wwdm’.

    value ‘cond_wwdm.TI’ to select the parameter named ‘TI’ of the condition named ‘cond_wwdm’.

  • with ‘application/json’ as ‘Content-Type’


    # PHP code :
    # send POST request and return response datas
    function send_post_and_receive($url, $inputdata) {
        $c = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        # to follow redirect
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, True);
        $json_inputdata = json_encode($inputdata);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json_inputdata);
        $buffer_str = ob_get_contents();
        $responsedata = json_decode($buffer_str, TRUE);
        return $responsedata;
    # PHP code :
    # request and response
    $inputdata = ["vpz"=>266, "mode"=>"compactlist", "format"=>"json"];
    $inputdata["duration"] = 6;
    $inputdata["begin"] = 2453982.0;
    # some parameters modification with 'cname.pname'
    $inputdata["cond_wwdm.A"] = 0.0064;
    $inputdata["cond_wwdm.Eb"] = 1.86;
    $inputdata["parselect"] = ["cond_wwdm.A", "cond_wwdm.B", "cond_wwdm.Eb", "cond_wwdm.TI"];
    $responsedata = send_post_and_receive($url="http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/input/", $inputdata=$inputdata);
    # responsedata in case of 'compactlist' style of presentation 
    # duration in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    if (array_key_exists('duration', $responsedata)){
        $duration_value = $responsedata['duration'];
        print ("duration value : ".$duration_value."<br />");
    # begin in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    if (array_key_exists('begin', $responsedata)){
        $begin_value = $responsedata['begin'];
        print ("begin value : ".$begin_value."<br />");
    # parameters in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    foreach (array('cond_wwdm.B','cond_wwdm.Eb','cond_wwdm.TI','cond_wwdm.A') as $par_selection_name){
        if (array_key_exists($par_selection_name, $responsedata)){
            $par_value= $responsedata[$par_selection_name];
            print_r ("parameter selection_name and value : ".$par_selection_name."\n".$par_value."<br />");
    # conditions identity in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    if (array_key_exists('conds', $responsedata)){
        $conds = $responsedata['conds'];
        foreach ($conds as $cond_selection_name){
            print ("condition selection_name : ".$cond_selection_name."<br />");
    # views identity in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    if (array_key_exists('views', $responsedata)){
        $views = $responsedata['views'];
        foreach ($views as $view_selection_name){
            print ("view selection_name : ".$view_selection_name."<br />");
    # output datas identity in 'compactlist' style of presentation
    if (array_key_exists('outs', $responsedata)){
        $outs = $responsedata['outs'];
        foreach ($outs as $out_selection_name){
            print ("output data selection_name : ".$out_selection_name."<br />");