Example of POST vpz/input in Python language

For the simulator ‘wwdm.vpz’ whose Id is 266, enter the Python code/instructions in a Python interpreter.

Example illustrating :

  • compact’ as style of presentation,

  • json’ as format,

  • value ‘all’ as ‘parselect’ (to receive information of all the existing parameters and conditions)

  • value ‘all’ as ‘outselect’ (to receive information of all the existing output datas and views)

  • with ‘application/json’ as ‘Content-Type’


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python
    import pycurl
    import io
    import json
    def send_post_and_receive(url, inputdata):
        """Send POST request and return response datas"""
        buffer = io.BytesIO()
        c = pycurl.Curl()
        c.setopt(c.POST, 1)
        c.setopt(c.HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json'])
        c.setopt(c.URL, url)
        #c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
        json_inputdata = json.dumps( inputdata)
        c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, json_inputdata)
        c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, buffer.write)
        buffer_str = buffer.getvalue()
        buffer_str = buffer_str.decode("utf8")
        responsedata = json.loads(buffer_str)
        return responsedata
    # Python code :
    from __future__ import print_function # python 2.7 version case
    # request and response
    inputdata = {"vpz":266, "mode":"compact", "format":"json"}
    inputdata['parselect'] = "all"
    inputdata['outselect'] = "all"
    responsedata = send_post_and_receive(
    keys = responsedata.keys()
    # responsedata in case of 'compact' style of presentation 
    # duration in 'compact' style of presentation
    if "duration" in keys :
        duration_value = responsedata['duration']
        print("duration value : ", duration_value)
    # begin in 'compact' style of presentation
    if "begin" in keys :
        begin_value = responsedata['begin']
        print("begin value : ", begin_value)
    # parameters in 'compact' style of presentation 
    if "pars" in keys :
        pars = responsedata['pars']
        print("parameters (selection_name and value, condition name and parameter name) :")
        for par in pars :
            par_selection_name = par['selection_name']
            par_cname = par['cname']
            par_pname = par['pname']
            par_value = par['value']
            print(par_selection_name, par_value, ",", par_cname, par_pname)
    # conditions identity in 'compact' style of presentation
    if "conds" in keys :
        conds = responsedata['conds']
        for cond in conds :
            cond_selection_name = cond['selection_name']
            print("condition selection_name : ", cond_selection_name)
    # views identity in 'compact' style of presentation
    if "views" in keys :
        views = responsedata['views']
        for view in views :
            view_selection_name = view['selection_name']
            print("view selection_name : ", view_selection_name)
    # output datas identity in 'compact' style of presentation
    if "outs" in keys :
        outs = responsedata['outs']
        for out in outs :
            out_selection_name = out['selection_name']
            print("output data selection_name : ", out_selection_name)