Example of GET vpz/experiment and POST vpz/experiment in command line with cURL

For the simulator ‘wwdm.vpz’ whose Id is 266, enter the cURL commands in a command line window.

Example illustrating how to build and run one’s own experiment plan based on a chosen simulator, by filling the experiment conditions into a xls file and receiving the simulation results into a xls file.

First step : GET vpz/experiment request

A GET vpz/experiment request is done to get the experiment conditions of the simulator in its original state.

cURL command line :

curl "http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/experiment/?vpz=266&mode=todownload"

The received experiment.xls file contains the experiment conditions of the simulator in its original state.

Second step : build one’s own experiment plan into a xls file

Into the experiment.xls file received from the GET vpz/experiment request (see ‘first step’ above), or a copy of it, one can modify the experiment conditions as wanted : for example, a modified experiment.xls file.

Third step : POST vpz/experiment request

A POST vpz/experiment request is done to run the experiment plan defined into the built experiment.xls file (see ‘second step’).

cURL command line :

curl -F 'experimentfile=@experiment.xls' -F 'vpz=266' -F 'mode=todownload' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/experiment/

The returned experiment.xls file contains the simulation results and experiment conditions.

A variant

A POST vpz/experiment request to modify the input datas folder (by using datafolder and datafoldercopy) and run the experiment plan defined into the built experiment.xls file.

         | The original input datas folder of the simulator wwdm.vpz is :     |
         |                             data/31035002.csv                      |
         |                                 /serieclim.dat                     |
         | wwdm_data.zip contains :    data/31035002_bis.csv                  |
         |                                 /31035002_ter.csv                  |
         |                                                                    |
         | (31035002_bis.csv and 31035002_ter.csv are copies of 31035002.csv) |

* Case :
- wwdm_data.zip as datafolder
- replace datafoldercopy
- cond_meteo.meteo_file="31035002_ter.csv" (modified into experiment.xls)

* cURL command line :

curl -F 'experimentfile=@experiment.xls' -F 'vpz=266' -F 'datafolder=@wwdm_data.zip' -F 'datafoldercopy=replace' -F 'mode=todownload' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/experiment/

* Comments :

The modified input datas folder : data/31035002_bis.csv


The returned file : experiment.xls.