Example of POST vpz/output in command line with cURL

For the simulator ‘wwdm.vpz’ whose Id is 266, enter the cURL commands in a command line window.

Example illustrating :

  • modifying begin,

  • modifying duration,

  • modifying some parameters by ‘cname.pname’,

  • compact’ as style of presentation,

  • value ‘single’ as plan, or value ‘linear’ in case of multiple simulation

  • value ‘dataframe’ as restype (or ‘matrix’)

  • value of type vname.oname as ‘outselect’ :

    value ‘view.top:wwdm.LAI’ to select the ‘LAI’ output data of the view named ‘view’.

    value ‘view.top:wwdm.ST’ to select the ‘ST’ output data of the view named ‘view’.

  • with ‘application/json’ as ‘Content-Type’



cURL command line (case of single plan (single simulation)) :

curl -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"vpz":266, "duration":6, "begin":2453982.0, "cond_wwdm.A":0.0064, "cond_wwdm.Eb":1.86, "mode":["compact","single","dataframe"], "outselect":["view.top:wwdm.LAI", "view.top:wwdm.ST"]}' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

cURL command line (case of linear plan (multiple simulation)) :

curl -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"vpz":266, "duration":6, "begin":2453982.0, "cond_wwdm.A":[0.0064,0.0065,0.0066], "cond_wwdm.Eb":[1.84,1.85,1.86], "mode":["compact","linear","dataframe"], "outselect":["view.top:wwdm.LAI", "view.top:wwdm.ST"]}' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

(rq : or with "matrix" instead of "dataframe")

Some variants :

- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- single plan (mode)
- dataframe restype (mode)
- format yaml

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'vpz=266&duration=6&begin=2453982.0&cond_wwdm.A=0.0064&cond_wwdm.Eb=1.86&mode=compact&plan=single&restype=dataframe&outselect=view.top:wwdm.LAI&outselect=view.top:wwdm.ST&format=yaml' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

- Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- linear plan (mode)
- dataframe restype (mode)
- format yaml

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'vpz=266&duration=6&begin=2453982.0&cond_wwdm.A=[0.0064,0.0065,0.0066]&cond_wwdm.Eb=[1.84,1.85,1.86]&mode=compact&plan=linear&restype=dataframe&outselect=view.top:wwdm.LAI&outselect=view.top:wwdm.ST&format=yaml' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/


Some variants modifying the input datas folder (using datafolder, datafoldercopy) :

         | The original input datas folder of the simulator wwdm.vpz is :     |
         |                             data/31035002.csv                      |
         |                                 /serieclim.dat                     |
         | wwdm_data.zip contains :    data/31035002_bis.csv                  |
         |                                 /31035002_ter.csv                  |
         |                                                                    |
         | (31035002_bis.csv and 31035002_ter.csv are copies of 31035002.csv) |

* Case :
- wwdm_data.zip as datafolder
- overwrite datafoldercopy
- cond_meteo.meteo_file unchanged (cond_meteo.meteo_file="31035002.csv")

* cURL command line :
curl -F 'vpz=266' -F 'datafolder=@wwdm_data.zip' -F 'datafoldercopy=overwrite' -F 'duration=6' -F 'cond_wwdm.A=0.0064' -F 'cond_wwdm.Eb=1.86' -F 'mode=compact' -F 'plan=single' -F 'restype=dataframe' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.LAI' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.ST' -F 'format=yaml' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

* Response :
res: '{"view.top:wwdm.LAI": [0.0, 0.0023647344518109726, 0.0053704330932816385, 0.009295027359586974,
  0.014491204594073003, 0.020623387827212118, 0.027858027831614042], "view.top:wwdm.ST":
  [0.0, 21.2, 43.75, 68.2, 94.80000000000001, 120.60000000000001, 145.85000000000002],
  "view.time": [2453980.0, 2453981.0, 2453982.0, 2453983.0, 2453984.0, 2453985.0,
plan: single
restype: dataframe

* Comments :

The modified input datas folder : data/31035002.csv

The simulation has found the required meteo file (31035002.csv) into the input datas folder.

* Case :
- wwdm_data.zip as datafolder
- replace datafoldercopy
- cond_meteo.meteo_file unchanged (cond_meteo.meteo_file="31035002.csv")

* cURL command line :
curl -F 'vpz=266' -F 'datafolder=@wwdm_data.zip' -F 'datafoldercopy=replace' -F 'duration=6' -F 'cond_wwdm.A=0.0064' -F 'cond_wwdm.Eb=1.86' -F 'mode=compact' -F 'plan=single' -F 'restype=dataframe' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.LAI' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.ST' -F 'format=yaml' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

* Response :
detail: "Unable to satisfy the request -- Simulation running error ... \n/!\\ vle\
  \ error reported: vle::utils::FileError\n[meteo] Meteo: invalid date 2006-Sep-01\
  \ 00:00:00 or invalid data"

* Comments :

The modified input datas folder : data/31035002_bis.csv

The simulation failed because it has not found the required meteo file (31035002.csv) into the input datas folder.

* Case :
- wwdm_data.zip as datafolder
- replace datafoldercopy
- cond_meteo.meteo_file="31035002_ter.csv"

* cURL command line :
curl -F 'vpz=266' -F 'datafolder=@wwdm_data.zip' -F 'datafoldercopy=replace' -F 'cond_meteo.meteo_file="31035002_ter.csv"' -F 'duration=6' -F 'cond_wwdm.A=0.0064' -F 'cond_wwdm.Eb=1.86' -F 'mode=compact' -F 'plan=single' -F 'restype=dataframe' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.LAI' -F 'outselect=view.top:wwdm.ST' -F 'format=yaml' http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/output/

* Response :
res: '{"view.top:wwdm.LAI": [0.0, 0.0023647344518109726, 0.0053704330932816385, 0.009295027359586974,
  0.014491204594073003, 0.020623387827212118, 0.027858027831614042], "view.top:wwdm.ST":
  [0.0, 21.2, 43.75, 68.2, 94.80000000000001, 120.60000000000001, 145.85000000000002],
  "view.time": [2453980.0, 2453981.0, 2453982.0, 2453983.0, 2453984.0, 2453985.0,
plan: single
restype: dataframe

* Comments :

The modified input datas folder : data/31035002_bis.csv

The simulation has found the required meteo file (31035002_ter.csv) into the input datas folder.
