erecord_cmn.utils.using package


erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_rep_pkg_vpz_tree module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python


Content of the model (vlepkg) in ‘tree’ style of presentation


Content of the models repository (vlerep) in ‘tree’ style of presentation


Content of the simulator (vlevpz) in ‘tree’ style of presentation

erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_simulation_inputs_tree module

erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_simulation_results_compact module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_simulation_results_compact.content_simulation_results_compact(res, plan, restype)[source]

Content of simulation results (res) in ‘compact’ style of presentation, according to plan values (‘single’, ‘linear’) and restype values (‘dataframe’ or ‘matrix’)

erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_simulation_results_tree module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

erecord_cmn.utils.using.content_simulation_results_tree.content_simulation_results_tree(res, plan, restype)[source]

Content of simulation results (res) in ‘tree’ style of presentation, according to plan values (‘single’, ‘linear’) and restype values (‘dataframe’ or ‘matrix’)

erecord_cmn.utils.using.obtain_jwt module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

erecord_cmn.utils.using.obtain_jwt.obtain_jwt(username, password, base_url='')[source]

Return a JWT value for username

erecord_cmn.utils.using.send_get_and_receive module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

erecord_cmn.utils.using.send_get_and_receive.send_get_and_receive(url, id=None, options=None)[source]

Send GET request and return response datas

erecord_cmn.utils.using.send_post_and_receive module


Methods that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

erecord_cmn.utils.using.send_post_and_receive.send_post_and_receive(url, inputdata)[source]

Send POST request and return response datas

Module contents


This package is part of erecord - Record platform web development

copyright:Copyright (C) 2014-2015 INRA
license:GPLv3, see License for more details.
authors:see Authors.

Python code of the erecord package

Python code, some of it is independant of django applications code

Python code that may be used by a user calling the erecord web services from python

See erecord