Domain introduction

Record is a simulation platform for agro-ecosystems developed at INRA. The Record platform is based on Vle that is a multi-modeling and simulation platform. And so the agronomic models of the Record platform are some vle models.

The erecord project is dedicated to the Record platform web development, for its models developed with Vle. The web services provided by erecord allow to edit, modify and simulate some vle models, such as the Record platform ones.

The objects of the domain described by the erecord project call on concepts from Vle (package, vpz…). But they can as well be given other names, depending on the adopted point of vue.

For example, some ‘equivalent’ vocabulary :

Record Vle erecord objects
Agronomic model package, project vle package, VlePkg
Simulator vle vpz, vpz file vpz (as VleVpz)