GET vpz/input


Returns the input conditions of a simulator (see input information of a vpz).


If the simulator is in limited access then authentication is required, by a ‘jwt’ parameter containing an available JWT value.

In addition to the style values ‘link’ and ‘tree’, the ‘compact’ and ‘compactlist’ values are also available. The default style value is ‘compact’.

The ‘compact’ value is for a compact presentation keeping only some useful parts of information.

The ‘compactlist’ value is for a presentation even compacter than with ‘compact’ style, where in particular the parameters are named by their ‘selection_name’.


Values ordered from the fuller to the lighter style presentation : ‘tree’, ‘compact’, ‘compactlist’.

Request parameters

Required : either vpz or vpzpath must be provided.

Required : jwt in limited access case.

Response result

The returned result is about VpzInput.


This resource is part of Web API ‘vpz’

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