.. _howto_get_jwt: ================================= How to get a JWT (JSON Web Token) ================================= Overview ======== You must identify yourself to use a simulator that is in limited access : identification is done thanks to a JWT value that must be given as a :ref:`webapi_opt_jwt` parameter of requests about it. To get a JWT that is available for a simulator in limited access you want to use, you have to send a :ref:`post_acs_jwt_obtain` request where you enter some parameters that identify yourself as a user authorized for this simulator. Procedure ========= Step 1. Ask for access authorization ------------------------------------ .. include:: include/ask_for_access.rst Step 2. Ask for an available JWT value -------------------------------------- To get a JWT value, send a :ref:`post_acs_jwt_obtain` request with the previously given information (*username* and *password*) as parameters values. .. include:: examples/get_jwt.rst When this JWT value has expired, ask for a new one (Step 2.). More ==== See :ref:`webapi_feat_access` | :ref:`erecord_authentication`