.. _wwdm_ident_fields: ================================ Information to set and/or select ================================ Introduction ============ These operations are useful as prerequisites for :ref:`wwdm_editmodif`, :ref:`wwdm_runmodif`. They are based on :ref:`wwdm_editasis`, :ref:`wwdm_editmodif`. To configure (set, select) some information of the simulator (when :ref:`wwdm_editmodif`, :ref:`wwdm_runmodif`), it will be necessary to know how this information is identified/selected in the request. .. _wwdm_ident_parameters: Parameters and conditions ========================= A simulator :ref:`parameter ` is identified by its 'cname' and 'pname' values, its 'selection_name' value *(concatenation of 'cname' and 'pname')*. In the :ref:`input information `, the simulator parameters are gathered in some conditions (sets of parameters). A simulator :ref:`condition ` is identified by its 'selection_name' value. When :ref:`Seeing the modified simulator ` with 'all' as '**parselect**' value and '**compact**' as style of presentation : - you will access to the 'pname', 'cname', 'selection_name' values of each existing parameter. - you will access to the 'selection_name' values of each existing condition. .. include:: include/wwdm_editmodif_quickoverview_compact.rst .. note:: '**compactlist**' as style of presentation can also be used instead of 'compact' value. You can try it in the following example but giving 'all' value for '**parselect**'. .. include:: include/wwdm_editmodif_quickoverview.rst .. note:: An easier/faster solution is to use :ref:`Seeing the simulator as is ` with 'compact' as style of presentation. In that case, the URL to be entered in a webbrowser is : http://erecord.toulouse.inra.fr:8000/vpz/input/?vpz=266&mode=compact .. _wwdm_ident_outputs: Output datas and views ====================== An :ref:`output data ` of the simulator is identified by its 'selection_name' value *(concatenation of its 'vname' and 'oname')*. In the :ref:`output information `, the simulator output datas are gathered in some views (sets of output datas). A simulator :ref:`view ` is identified by its 'selection_name' value. When :ref:`Seeing the modified simulator ` with 'all' as '**outselect**' value and '**compact**' as style of presentation : - you will access to the 'selection_name' values of each existing output data. - you will access to the 'selection_name' value of each existing view. -> *Example* : :ref:`in a web browser ` .. include:: include/wwdm_editmodif_quickoverview_compact.rst .. note:: '**compactlist**' as style of presentation can also be used instead of 'compact' value. You can try it in the following example but giving 'all' value for '**outselect**'. .. include:: include/wwdm_editmodif_quickoverview.rst