.. _erecord_use_capture_332: =============================================== Example of :ref:`post_vpz_output` in R language =============================================== .. include:: wwdm_r_intro.rst .. to do - modifying some parameters by '**pars**', instead of - modifying some parameters by '**cname.pname**', Example illustrating : - modifying **begin**, - modifying **duration**, - modifying some parameters by '**cname.pname**', - '**tree**' as style of presentation, - '**json**' as format, - value '**single**' as plan, or value '**linear**' in case of multiple simulation - value '**dataframe**' as restype *(or 'matrix')* - value '**all**' as '**outselect**', - with 'application/**json**' as 'Content-Type' *Memo* .. literalinclude:: memo_request_301_tree.rst .. literalinclude:: memo_request_332.rst