.. _domain_dm_erecord_db: ==================================== Data model of erecord_db application ==================================== Data model of the erecord_db application Schema ====== - :ref:`dm_vleversion` - many :ref:`dm_vlerep` - many :ref:`dm_vlepkg` - many :ref:`dm_vlevpz` Data model ========== .. _dm_vleversion: VleVersion ---------- Vle version. .. _dm_vlerep: VleRep ------ Models repository. A VleRep corresponds with a physical :term:`models repository` providing the required environment for running simulations. .. _dm_vlepkg: VlePkg ------ Vle package. Other denominations : package (vle notion) ; project (vle notion) ; :term:`vle model` ; model ; agronomic model ; vle package ; vle project. It corresponds with the vle notion of package, or project. A VlePkg is attached to a VleRep providing the physical required environnement. .. _dm_vlevpz: VleVpz ------ Vpz file. Other denominations : vpz (vle notion) ; vpz file (vle notion) ; :term:`simulator` ; simulation scenario. It corresponds with the vle notion of vpz, or vpz file. A VleVpz is attached to a VlePkg that is attached to a VleRep providing the physical required environnement.