.. _databases: ========= Databases ========= Introduction ============ The web services provided by :term:`erecord` allow to edit, modify and simulate some vle models. For that, :term:`erecord` manages some models repositories containing some vle models, containing the simulators that are proposed to users to be manipulated (seen, modified, simulated). Before being taken into account, a :term:`simulator` must have been (i) physically stored into a models repository (see :ref:`repositories`) and (ii) recorded into an appropriate database. A possibility is to rely on the **db** database, that is associated with the erecord_db application. This database contains the following information : - models repositories (:ref:`dm_vlerep`), - vle models (vle packages) of a models repository (see :ref:`dm_vlepkg`), - simulators (vpz file) of a vle model of a models repository (see :ref:`dm_vlevpz`). In that first case, both erecord_db and erecord_vpz applications are needed to launch simulations. Another possibility is to rely on the **vpz** database, that is associated with the erecord_vpz application. The simulators can be simply recorded into this database, where they are characterized by their vpz file absolute path (see :ref:`dm_vpzpath`). This path determines the simulator vpz file, but also its vle model and its models repository. In that second case, the erecord_vpz application is self sufficient to launch simulations. Data model ========== See :ref:`domain_dm`