Source code for erecord_vpz.models_mixins.transform

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

""" @file erecord_vpz/models_mixins/

Copyright (C) 2014-2016 INRA \n\n
This file is part of erecord - Record platform web development \n\n
License : see LICENSE file. Authors : see AUTHORS file.
@include LICENSE @include AUTHORS

""" @package erecord_vpz.models_mixins.transform
mixins for erecord_vpz model, about transformations

see erecord_vpz


import os
import json

from erecord_cmn.utils.dir_and_file import make_csv_file
from erecord_cmn.utils.dir_and_file import create_dirs_if_absent

import shutil
from erecord_cmn.utils.vle import get_rep_pkg_exp_path

import xlwt
from erecord_cmn.utils.dir_and_file import WritableWorksheet as WWS
import xlrd
from erecord_cmn.utils.dir_and_file import ReadableWorksheet as RWS

from erecord_cmn.utils.logger import get_logger
LOGGER = get_logger(__name__) # should be passed as a parameter of methods ?

from erecord_cmn.utils.errors import logger_report_error
from erecord_cmn.utils.errors import build_error_message

# Some mixins for the erecord_vpz models, about transformations

[docs]class TransformMixin(object):
[docs] @classmethod def encode_utf8(cls, row): for i,r in enumerate(row): row[i] = row[i].encode('utf8') return row
[docs] @classmethod def transpose(cls, array): tarray = list() lengths = [len(r) for r in array] if lengths : maxlength = max(lengths) for r in array : while len(r) < maxlength: r.append(None) for i in range(1,maxlength): tarray.append([]) tarray.append([]) for i,r_i in enumerate(array): for j,m_ij in enumerate(r_i): tarray[j].append(m_ij) return tarray
[docs] @classmethod def make_list_title(cls, title): """Builds and returns a list for title (by row)""" r = list() r.append([title,]) r.append([]) return r
[docs] @classmethod def make_list_line_feed(cls): """Builds and returns a list for a line feed (by row)""" return ([[]])
[docs]class VpzInputTransformMixin(TransformMixin): """additional methods for some VpzInput transformations"""
[docs] def make_vpz_file(self, filename, dirpath): """ Builds the vpz file relative to VpzInput and saves it as \ filename under dirpath """ vpzname = self.vpzact.vpzname pkgname = self.vpzact.pkgname vlehome_path = self.vpzact.vpzworkspace.get_vlehome() vle_version = self.vpzact.vleversion rep_exp = get_rep_pkg_exp_path(rep_path=vlehome_path, vle_version=vle_version, pkgname=pkgname) src = os.path.join(rep_exp, vpzname) dest = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
[docs] def make_txt_file(self, filename, dirpath): """ Builds the txt file relative to VpzInput and saves it as \ filename under dirpath """ txtfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) file = open(txtfile, "a") # "w") file.write("\n") file.write("*** Input information report***\n") file.write("... under construction ...\n") file.write("\n") file.close()
[docs] def make_list_general(self): """Builds and returns general information list of input information """ list_general = list() list_general.append(["begin", self.vlebegin.value,]) list_general.append(["duration", self.vleduration.value,]) return list_general
[docs] def make_list_par_values(self, nicknames, types): """Builds and returns list of selected parameters values Some names and the type of the parameter are given before its values. """ list_par_values = list() for vlecond in self.vlecond_list.all() : for vlepar in vlecond.vlepar_list.all() : if vlepar.is_selected() : selection_name = vlepar.build_selection_name() nickname = nicknames[selection_name] type = types[selection_name] row = [selection_name, type, nickname] row = self.encode_utf8(row) #val = vlepar.get_val() try : val = vlepar.get_val() except Exception as e : msg = "parameter " + str(vlepar.cname) msg += "," + str(vlepar.pname) msg += ":" + str(vlepar.value) errormsg = build_error_message(error=e, msg=msg) logger_report_error(LOGGER) raise Exception(errormsg) if isinstance(val, list) : for i,v in enumerate(val) : row.append(json.dumps(v)) else : # singleton case row.append(json.dumps(val)) list_par_values.append(row) return list_par_values
[docs] def make_list_par_ident(self): """Builds and returns identification information of selected parameters list_ident : parameters identification information, nicknames : nickname (pname) according to selection name types : type according to selection name """ nicknames = dict() types = dict() list_ident = list() list_ident.append(["name (selection name)", "condition name", "parameter name", "type (of first value)",]) #"id (in database)"]) for vlecond in self.vlecond_list.all() : for vlepar in vlecond.vlepar_list.all() : if vlepar.is_selected() : selection_name = vlepar.build_selection_name() row = [selection_name, vlepar.cname, vlepar.pname, vlepar.type,] row = self.encode_utf8(row) #row.append( list_ident.append(row) nicknames[selection_name] = vlepar.pname types[selection_name] = vlepar.type return (list_ident, nicknames, types)
[docs] def make_list_out_ident(self): """Builds and returns identification information of selected output \ datas list_ident : output datas identification information, nicknames : nickname (shortname) according to oname """ nicknames = dict() nicknames['time'] = 'time' list_ident = list() list_ident.append(["name (selection name)", "view name", "output data name", "short name",]) #"id (in database)"]) for vleview in self.vpzact.vpzinput.vleview_list.all() : for vleout in vleview.vleout_list.all() : if vleout.is_selected() : row = [vleout.build_selection_name(), vleout.vname, vleout.oname, vleout.shortname,] row = self.encode_utf8(row) #row.append( list_ident.append(row) nicknames[vleout.oname] = vleout.shortname return (list_ident, nicknames)
[docs]class VpzOutputTransformMixin(TransformMixin): """additional methods for some VpzOutput transformations"""
[docs] def make_res_compact(self): """ Builds and returns res_compact where the output datas are \ identified by their selection_name (as VleOut). Has an effect only in 'dataframe' restype case, returns unmodified \ res in 'matrix' restype case. If 'dataframe' restype case, an output data is identified into res with a key relative to its name (not exactly oname), under the key _ vname. res (of VpzOutput) is encoded. res_compact will be encoded. """ from erecord_vpz.models import VleOut def build_res_compact_dataframe_single(res): res_compact = dict() for vname,view in res.iteritems(): for outname in view.keys(): oname = self.build_output_oname(outname) selection_name = VleOut.build_output_selection_name( vname=vname, oname=oname) res_compact[selection_name] = view.pop(outname) return res_compact compacted = False # default if self.format_res_ok(): if self.restype == 'dataframe' : if self.plan == 'single' : res = json.loads(self.res) res_compact = build_res_compact_dataframe_single(res) res_compact = json.dumps(res_compact) compacted = True elif self.plan == 'linear' : res_a = json.loads(self.res) res_compact_a = list() for res in res_a : res_compact = build_res_compact_dataframe_single(res) res_compact_a.append(res_compact) res_compact = json.dumps(res_compact_a) compacted = True if not compacted : res_compact = self.res return res_compact
[docs] @classmethod def make_default_list_general(cls): """Builds and returns general information list with default values""" list_general = list() list_general.append(["restype", "dataframe",]) list_general.append(["plan", "single",]) return list_general
[docs] def make_list_general(self): """Builds and returns general information list of output information""" list_general = list() list_general.append(["restype", self.restype,]) list_general.append(["plan", self.plan,]) return list_general
[docs] @classmethod def get_suffixed_name(cls, name, simunumber=None): """Returns name suffixed by simunumber (name_simunumber)""" suffixed_name = name if simunumber is not None : suffixed_name = suffixed_name + "_" +str(simunumber) return suffixed_name
[docs] @classmethod def get_indexed_name(cls, name, simunumber=None): """Returns name indexed by simunumber (name[simunumber])""" indexed_name = name if simunumber is not None : indexed_name = indexed_name + "[" +str(simunumber)+ "]" return indexed_name
[docs] def write_csv_out_values(self, dirpath, res): """Builds under dirpath the csv reports about output datas values res is decoded res (of VpzOutput). Creates and fills the required csv files : one by view if 'single' \ plan, or as many as simulations if 'linear' plan. csv files have headers or not according to restype case : - no header if 'matrix' restype. - header if 'dataframe' restype (same as those of vle simulation in \ 'file' mode). (output information) """ def get_filename(viewname, simunumber=None): filename = self.get_suffixed_name(viewname, simunumber) + '.csv' return filename def write_csv_view(dirpath, viewname, outputs, simunumber=None): filename = get_filename(viewname, simunumber) r = list() for outputname,val in outputs.items() : row = list() row.append(outputname) for i,v in enumerate(val): row.append(v) r.append(row) t_r = self.transpose(r) make_csv_file(row_list=t_r, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";") if self.restype=='dataframe' and self.plan=='single' : for viewname,outputs in res.items() : write_csv_view(dirpath=dirpath, viewname=viewname, outputs=outputs) elif self.restype=='dataframe' and self.plan=='linear' : for (a,res_a) in enumerate(res) : for viewname,outputs in res_a.items() : write_csv_view(dirpath=dirpath, viewname=viewname, outputs=outputs, simunumber=a) elif self.restype=='matrix' and self.plan=='single' : for viewname,v in res.items() : filename = get_filename(viewname) t_v = self.transpose(v) make_csv_file(row_list=t_v, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";") elif self.restype=='matrix' and self.plan=='linear' : for (a,res_a) in enumerate(res) : for viewname,v in res_a.items() : filename = get_filename(viewname, a) t_v = self.transpose(v) make_csv_file(row_list=t_v, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";")
[docs] def write_xls_out_values(self, wb, res, nicknames, sheetname="output"): """Writes the output datas values into xlwt.Workbook res is decoded res (of VpzOutput). Creates and fills the required xlwt.Worksheet : \ - if 'dataframe' restype : only one worksheet for all the views \ together (whichever 'plan' case). \ - if 'matrix' restype : one worksheet by view if 'single' plan, or \ as many as simulations if 'linear' plan. Worksheets have headers or not according to restype case : - no header if 'matrix' restype. - header if 'dataframe' restype, where several names are given to \ identify each output data. (output information) """ def get_sheetname_byview(rootname, viewname, simunumber=None): """Returns the word joining rootname, viewname and simnumber""" sheetname = rootname + " " + viewname if simunumber is not None : sheetname = sheetname + " " + str(simunumber) return sheetname def get_sheetname(rootname, simunumber=None): """Returns the word joining rootname and simnumber""" sheetname = rootname if simunumber is not None : sheetname = sheetname + " " + str(simunumber) return sheetname from erecord_vpz.models import VleOut def get_fullname(outputname, viewname, simunumber=None): """Returns the output data selection name suffixed by simunumber""" selection_name = VleOut.build_output_selection_name(vname=viewname, oname=outputname) fullname = self.get_indexed_name(name=selection_name, simunumber=simunumber) return fullname def write_output(ws, row, col, viewname, outputname, values, simunumber=None): """writes in the col column of the ws worksheet the output data \ header and values """ fullname = get_fullname(outputname=outputname, viewname=viewname, simunumber=simunumber) WWS.write(ws, row, col, fullname) row = row + 1 WWS.write(ws, row, col, self.get_indexed_name(outputname, simunumber)) row = row + 1 if outputname in nicknames.keys() : nickname = nicknames[outputname] else : # has to build nickname l = outputname.split(".") if len(l) == 2 : nickname = l[1] else : # unexpected nickname = outputname WWS.write(ws, row, col, self.get_indexed_name(nickname, simunumber), style=WWS.head_style) row_ini = row + 1 for i,v in enumerate(val): row = i + row_ini WWS.write(ws, row, col, v) col = col + 1 row = row + 1 return (row, col) if self.restype=='dataframe' : if self.plan=='single' : ws = wb.add_sheet(sheetname) col = 0 for viewname,outputs in res.items() : for outputname,val in outputs.items() : (row, col) = write_output(ws=ws, row=0, col=col, viewname=viewname, outputname=outputname, values=val) elif self.plan=='linear' : for (a,res_a) in enumerate(res) : ws = wb.add_sheet(get_sheetname(rootname=sheetname, simunumber=a)) col = 0 for viewname,outputs in res_a.items() : for outputname,val in outputs.items() : (row, col) = write_output(ws=ws, row=0, col=col, viewname=viewname, outputname=outputname, values=val, simunumber=a) elif self.restype=='matrix' and self.plan=='single' : for viewname,v in res.items() : ws = wb.add_sheet(get_sheetname_byview(rootname=sheetname, viewname=viewname)) last_row = WWS.write_lines_bycol(ws=ws, row_ini=0, lines=v) elif self.restype=='matrix' and self.plan=='linear' : for (a,res_a) in enumerate(res) : for viewname,v in res_a.items() : ws = wb.add_sheet(get_sheetname_byview(rootname=sheetname, viewname=viewname, simunumber=a)) last_row = WWS.write_lines_bycol(ws=ws, row_ini=0, lines=v)
[docs] def make_txt_file(self, filename, dirpath): """ Builds the txt file relative to VpzOutput and saves it as \ filename under dirpath """ txtfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) file = open(txtfile, "a") # "w") file.write("\n") file.write("*** Output information report***\n") file.write("... under construction ...\n") file.write("\n") file.close()
[docs]class VpzActTransformMixin(TransformMixin): """additional methods for some VpzAct transformations"""
[docs] def prepare_reports(self, with_general_output=True, default_general_output=False, with_out_ident_and_nicknames=True, with_res=True, with_bycol=True): """Prepares information (lists) that will be used for reports building Information comes from input and output information, but from only \ input information in with_general_output and with_res False case. """ list_general_input = self.vpzinput.make_list_general() if with_general_output : if default_general_output : list_general_output = VpzOutputTransformMixin.make_default_list_general() else : list_general_output = self.vpzoutput.make_list_general() list_general = list_general_output + list_general_input else : list_general = list_general_input self.list_general_byrow = list_general if with_bycol : self.list_general_bycol = self.transpose(list_general) else : self.list_general_bycol = None (list_par_ident, nicknames_par, types_par) = self.vpzinput.make_list_par_ident() self.list_par_ident_byrow = list_par_ident self.nicknames_par = nicknames_par self.types_par = types_par if with_out_ident_and_nicknames : (list_out_ident, nicknames_out) = self.vpzinput.make_list_out_ident() self.list_out_ident_byrow = list_out_ident self.nicknames_out = nicknames_out else : self.list_out_ident_byrow = None self.nicknames_out = None list_par_values = self.vpzinput.make_list_par_values( nicknames=self.nicknames_par, types=self.types_par) self.list_par_values_byrow = list_par_values if with_bycol : self.list_par_values_bycol = self.transpose(list_par_values) else : self.list_par_values_bycol = None if with_res : decoded_res = json.loads(self.vpzoutput.res) self.decoded_res = decoded_res else : self.decoded_res = None
[docs] def make_folder_vpz(self, dirpath): """ Builds under dirpath the vpz report """ newvpzname = "__updated__" + self.vpzname self.vpzinput.make_vpz_file(filename=newvpzname, dirpath=dirpath)
[docs] def make_folder_txt(self, dirpath): """Builds under dirpath the txt report (input and output information) """ filename='report.txt' self.vpzinput.make_txt_file(filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath) self.vpzoutput.make_txt_file(filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath)
[docs] def make_folder_csv_ident(self, dirpath): """ Builds under dirpath the csv report about identification (input information) """ filename='ident.csv' title="*** Parameters identification ***" r = self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_par_ident_byrow r = r + self.make_list_line_feed() title="*** Output datas identification ***" r = r + self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_out_ident_byrow make_csv_file(row_list=r, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";")
[docs] def make_folder_csv_cond(self, dirpath, bycol): """ Builds under dirpath the csv reports about simulation conditions (input and output information) """ if bycol : filename='conditions.csv' # a col for each data title="*** General information ***" r = self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_general_bycol r = r + self.make_list_line_feed() title="*** Parameters values ***" r = r + self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_par_values_bycol make_csv_file(row_list=r, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";") else : filename='conditions.csv' # a row for each data title="*** General information ***" r = self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_general_byrow r = r + self.make_list_line_feed() title="*** Parameters values ***" r = r + self.make_list_title(title) r = r + self.list_par_values_byrow make_csv_file(row_list=r, filename=filename, dirpath=dirpath, delimiter=";")
[docs] def make_folder_csv_output(self, dirpath): """ Builds under dirpath the csv reports about output datas values (output information) """ self.vpzoutput.write_csv_out_values(dirpath=dirpath, res=self.decoded_res)
[docs] def make_folder_xls(self, dirpath, bycol): """ Builds under dirpath the xls report A worksheet by theme (ident, conditions...). (input and output information) """ filename='report.xls' xlsfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws_ident = wb.add_sheet("ident") last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws_ident, info_list=self.list_par_ident_byrow, nb_head=1, col_main=[2], row_ini=0, title="*** Parameters identification ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws_ident, row_ini=last_row+1) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws_ident, info_list=self.list_out_ident_byrow, nb_head=1, col_main=[3], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Output datas identification ***") if bycol : ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") last_row = WWS.write_group_bycol(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_general_byrow, row_main=[0], row_ini=0, title="*** General information ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) last_row = WWS.write_group_bycol(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_values_byrow, row_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters values ***") else : ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_general_byrow, col_main=[0], row_ini=0, title="*** General information ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_values_byrow, col_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters values ***") self.vpzoutput.write_xls_out_values(wb=wb, res=self.decoded_res, nicknames=self.nicknames_out)
[docs] def make_conditions_folder_xls(self, dirpath, bycol): """ Builds under dirpath the xls reports about simulation conditions A file by row or by column, depending on bycol. (input information) """ if bycol : filename='conditions.xls' xlsfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") last_row = WWS.write_group_bycol(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_general_byrow, row_main=[0], row_ini=0, title="*** General information ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) last_row = WWS.write_group_bycol(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_values_byrow, row_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters values ***") else : filename='conditions.xls' xlsfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_general_byrow, col_main=[0], row_ini=0, title="*** General information ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_values_byrow, col_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters values ***")
[docs] def make_experiment_conditions_sheet(self, ws, with_help=True): """ Builds experiment conditions sheet """ if with_help : text = "You can base yourself on this file to build the file " text+= "expected in a POST vpz/experiment request" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=0, text=text) text = "Don't change anything else than what is said in blue text " text+= "(values to modify, rows to remove)" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) text = "DON'T TOUCH THE SHEET NAME ('conditions') " text+= "NEITHER THE TITLES ROWS (beginning with '***')" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) else : last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=0) if with_help : text = "Modify below values as wanted" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) text= "restype available values : dataframe, matrix." last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) text = "plan available values : single, linear." last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_general_byrow, col_main=[0], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** General information ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) if with_help : text = "Modify below values as wanted " last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) text = "In case of N simulations (each parameter has one or N " text+= "values) : put one value by column." last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) text = "You can keep only the modified parameters (remove some " text+= "rows of unchanged parameters for faster process)" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_values_byrow, col_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters values ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) if with_help : text = "Keep below only the parameters you want to be returned in " text+= "POST vpz/experiment response (remove the unwanted rows)" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_par_ident_byrow, nb_head=1, col_main=[2], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Parameters identification ***") last_row = WWS.write_line_feed(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1) if with_help : text = "Keep below only the output datas you want to be returned " text+= "in POST vpz/experiment response (remove the unwanted rows)" last_row = WWS.write_help(ws=ws, row_ini=last_row+1, text=text) last_row = WWS.write_group_byrow(ws=ws, info_list=self.list_out_ident_byrow, nb_head=1, col_main=[3], row_ini=last_row+1, title="*** Output datas identification ***")
[docs] def read_experiment_file_xls(self, filepath): """ Reads the xls filepath file about experiment The information is read into the "conditions" sheet. The information is structured like into the file returned by a \ GET vpz/experiment request. Returns (cr_ok, restype_value, plan_value, \ begin_value, duration_value, parameters as a dict (key,value being \ parameter selection_name,value), parselect_values, outselect_values. (input information) """ cr_ok = False # default restype_value = None plan_value = None begin_value = None duration_value = None parameters = dict() parselect_values = list() outselect_values = list() sh = RWS.get_sheet(filepath=filepath, sheetname="conditions") firstcol = None # default if sh is not None : firstcol = RWS.read_sheet_column(sh, 0) if firstcol is not None : rows = RWS.read_sheet_rows(sh) def get_value(rows, name) : """returns value (in 2nd col) of a data with name in 1st col""" for row in rows : if len(row) > 1 : if row[0] == name : value = row[1] return value return None restype_value = get_value(rows, "restype") plan_value = get_value(rows, "plan") begin_value = get_value(rows, "begin") duration_value = get_value(rows, "duration") def get_ifirst(col, title) : """returns the (first) indice of col column whose value \ begins with title""" for i,c in enumerate(col) : if c.startswith(title) : return i return None def get_ilast(col, ifirst) : """returns the (first) indice of col column after ifirst \ and with a title value (beginning with '***')""" length = len(col) if length > 1 : ibegin = ifirst + 1 if ibegin < length : for i in range(ibegin, length) : if col[i].startswith("***") : return i return length-1 else : return None ifirst_par = get_ifirst(firstcol, "*** Parameters values") if ifirst_par is not None : ilast_par = get_ilast(firstcol, ifirst_par) if ilast_par is not None : end = ilast_par+1 for row in rows[ifirst_par:end] : if len(row) > 3 and row[1] != '' : selection_name = row[0] values = [json.loads(v) for v in row[3:len(row)]] parameters[selection_name] = json.dumps(values) ifirst_parselect = get_ifirst(firstcol, "*** Parameters identification") if ifirst_parselect is not None : ilast_parselect = get_ilast(firstcol, ifirst_parselect) if ilast_parselect is not None : end = ilast_parselect+1 for row in rows[ifirst_parselect:end] : if len(row) > 1 and row[1] != '' \ and not row[0].startswith("name (selection") : parselect_values.append(row[0]) ifirst_outselect = get_ifirst(firstcol, "*** Output datas identification") if ifirst_outselect is not None : ilast_outselect = get_ilast(firstcol, ifirst_outselect) if ilast_outselect is not None : end = ilast_outselect+1 for row in rows[ifirst_outselect:end] : if len(row) > 1 and row[1] != '' \ and not row[0].startswith("name (selection") : outselect_values.append(row[0]) cr_ok = True return (cr_ok, restype_value, plan_value, begin_value, duration_value, parameters, parselect_values, outselect_values)
[docs] def make_experiment_in_file_xls(self, dirpath): """ Builds under dirpath the xls file about experiment (input information) """ filename='experiment.xls' xlsfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") self.make_experiment_conditions_sheet(ws=ws, with_help=True)
[docs] def make_experiment_out_file_xls(self, dirpath): """ Builds under dirpath the xls file about experiment A worksheet for conditions. A worksheet for simulation results \ (or several in some multi-simulation cases). (input and output information) """ filename='experiment.xls' xlsfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) wb = xlwt.Workbook() ws = wb.add_sheet("conditions") self.make_experiment_conditions_sheet(ws=ws, with_help=False) self.vpzoutput.write_xls_out_values(wb=wb, res=self.decoded_res, nicknames=self.nicknames_out, sheetname="results")