Source code for erecord_cmn.views_mixins


Mixins common to erecord applications views


from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer
from rest_framework.renderers import BrowsableAPIRenderer
from rest_framework_yaml.renderers import YAMLRenderer
from rest_framework_xml.renderers import XMLRenderer
from rest_framework.renderers import TemplateHTMLRenderer

from erecord_cmn.forms import ErrorForm

from erecord_cmn.serializers import getKeyOptionValues
from erecord_cmn.serializers import FormatOptionSerializer

# Some mixins common to erecord applications views

[docs]class RenderViewMixin(object): """additional method about formats .api, .json, .yaml, .xml"""
[docs] def get_renderers( self ): """ indice 0 for 'json', 1 for 'api', 2 for 'yaml', 3 for 'xml' (and 4 for 'html' if defined later on) """ return [ JSONRenderer(), BrowsableAPIRenderer(), YAMLRenderer(), XMLRenderer(), ]
[docs]class ListViewMixin(RenderViewMixin): """additional methods for views about list formats .api, .html, .json, .yaml """
[docs] def get_renderers( self ): r = super(ListViewMixin, self).get_renderers() renderer = TemplateHTMLRenderer() renderer.template_name='erecord_cmn/headedform_list.html' r.append( renderer ) return r
[docs]class DetailViewMixin(RenderViewMixin): """additional methods for views about detail formats .html and .api, .json, .yaml, .xml """
[docs] def get_renderers( self ): r = super(DetailViewMixin, self).get_renderers() renderer = TemplateHTMLRenderer() renderer.template_name='erecord_cmn/headedform_detail.html' r.append( renderer ) return r
[docs] def get_specific_renderers( self, template_name ): r = super(DetailViewMixin, self).get_renderers() renderer = TemplateHTMLRenderer() renderer.template_name = template_name r.append( renderer ) return r
[docs]class DataViewMixin(object): """additional methods for views managing both GET and POST requests"""
[docs] def request_query_params(self, request): return request.query_params
[docs] def request_data(self, request): #return request.DATA # (cf problem of truncation) return # request.DATA deprecated ... but previously :
# problem of truncation with
[docs] def data_from_request(self, request): if request.method == 'POST' : data = self.request_data(request) else : # 'GET' data = self.request_query_params(request) return data
[docs]class ErrorViewMixin(object): """additional methods for views returning error response"""
[docs] def html_error_context(self, detail, status): """ builds and returns the html context relative to an error""" context = dict() error_form = ErrorForm({'status':status, 'detail':detail}) context['error_form'] = error_form return context
[docs]class FormatViewMixin(object): """additional methods for views having format option """
[docs] def get_format_value(self, data): """returns the format value found in data and else, None """ p = FormatOptionSerializer(data=data) p.is_valid() return['format']
[docs]class ModeOptionViewMixin(object): """additional methods for views having mode option The 'mode' option is used for different choices. Some of them may not \ be available in some calling/view cases. Some may be incompatible each \ other. The class has been completed in order to also accept some other intuitive \ option names : 'style', 'plan', 'restype'. @include erecord_cmn/docs/mode_option.txt (for more information, see the online documentation, main page) """
[docs] def get_mode_option_values(self, data): """Option 'mode' (several values are possible) Returns the list of mode option values. The 'mode' option is used for different choices. Some of them may not \ be available in some calling/view cases. Some may be incompatible \ each other. The method has been completed in order to also accept, instead of \ 'mode' name, some other intuitive option names : 'style', 'plan', \ 'restype'. """ available_values = [ 'tree', 'link', 'compact', 'compactlist', # style 'single', 'linear', # plan 'dataframe', 'matrix', # restype 'todownload', # todownload 'storage', # storage 'bycol', # bycol ] s = getKeyOptionValues(data=data, key='style') s_style = list() for v in ['tree', 'link', 'compact', 'compactlist'] : if v in s : s_style.append(v) s = getKeyOptionValues(data=data, key='plan') s_plan = list() for v in ['single', 'linear']: if v in s : s_plan.append(v) s = getKeyOptionValues(data=data, key='restype') s_restype = list() for v in ['dataframe', 'matrix']: if v in s : s_restype.append(v) s = getKeyOptionValues(data=data, key='mode') + s_style + s_plan + s_restype mode_option = list() if len(s) > 0: for v in available_values : if v in s : mode_option.append(v) return mode_option
[docs] def get_plan_value(self, data): """returns the plan value according to data plan = single, linear. Default value : single. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values(data=data) plan = 'single' # default if mode_options is not None : if 'linear' in mode_options : plan = 'linear' #elif 'single' in mode_options : # plan = 'single' return plan
[docs] def get_restype_value(self, data): """returns the restype value according to data restype = dataframe, matrix. Default value : dataframe. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values(data=data) restype = 'dataframe' # default if mode_options is not None : if 'matrix' in mode_options : restype = 'matrix' #elif 'dataframe' in mode_options : # restype = 'dataframe' return restype
[docs] def get_todownload_value(self, data): """returns the todownload value according to data todownload = True, False. Default value : False. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values(data=data) todownload = False # default if mode_options is not None : if 'todownload' in mode_options : todownload = True return todownload
[docs] def get_storage_value(self, data): """returns the storage value according to data storage = True, False. Default value : False. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values(data=data) storage = False # default if mode_options is not None : if 'storage' in mode_options : storage = True return storage
[docs] def get_bycol_value(self, data): """returns the bycol value according to data bycol = True, False. Default value : False. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values(data=data) bycol = False # default if mode_options is not None : if 'bycol' in mode_options : bycol = True return bycol
[docs]class DataFolderCopyViewMixin(object): """additional methods for views having datafoldercopy option """
[docs] def get_datafoldercopy_value(self, data): """returns the datafoldercopy value according to data datafoldercopy = replace, overwrite. Default value : replace. """ s = getKeyOptionValues(data=data, key='datafoldercopy') datafoldercopy = 'replace' # default if 'overwrite' in s and 'replace' not in s : datafoldercopy = 'overwrite' return datafoldercopy
[docs]class StyleViewMixin(ModeOptionViewMixin): """additional methods for views having style (in mode option) style = tree or link """
[docs] def get_style_value( self ): """returns the style value according to data style = tree or link. Default value : tree. """ mode_options = self.get_mode_option_values( data=self.request.query_params) style = 'tree' # default if mode_options is not None : if 'link' in mode_options : style = 'link' return style
[docs] def get_serializer_class_style(self, serializer_tree_class, serializer_link_class): """ returns the serializer class corresponding with style value """ style = self.get_style_value() if style == 'link' : return serializer_link_class else : # 'tree' return serializer_tree_class
[docs]class DataListViewMixin(RenderViewMixin): """additional methods for views returning a list of datas """
[docs] def get_renderers( self ): r = RenderViewMixin.get_renderers(self) renderer = TemplateHTMLRenderer() renderer.template_name='erecord_cmn/headedform_data_list.html' r.append( renderer ) return r