Source code for erecord_cmn.utils.errors

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

Utils to manage errors


import traceback

from rest_framework import status
from django.http import Http404

[docs]def logger_report_error(LOGGER) : """ Reports an error to log """ LOGGER.error(u"Error report :\n %s ", traceback.format_exc())
[docs]def build_error_message(error=None, msg=None) : """builds a message error The message is composed by msg (optional) and error message(s) (optional) """ txt = "" if msg is not None: txt = msg + " -- " if error is not None: if hasattr(error, 'message'): txt = txt + str(error.message) if hasattr(error, 'messages'): txt = txt + "; ".join(error.messages) if hasattr(error, 'status_code'): txt = txt + "; " + str( error.status_code) if hasattr(error, 'detail'): txt = txt + "; " + error.detail return txt
[docs]class Http400(Exception): pass
[docs]class Http403(Exception): pass
[docs]class Http401(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_error_status(e) : if hasattr(e, 'status_code'): return e.status_code else : s = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR # default if isinstance(e, Http404): s = status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND elif isinstance(e, Http400): s = status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST elif isinstance(e, Http403): s = status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN elif isinstance(e, Http401): s = status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED else : s = status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR return s